Our Company

пятница, 27 июня 2014 г.

We are going to ISAGA-2014!

Company of Intellectual Technologies (KINT) and Business Simulation ViAL+ go to the international level. We are invited to take part in the international conference ISAGA-2014 which would be held from 7 to 11 July 2014 in Dornbirn (Austria).

We'll have a 30-minute speech at the panel discussion on July 9. There we will present the concept and implementation of the concept of educational interactive business area based on the business simulation ViAL +. On July 10 everyone will be able to  test the demo version of it.
This is a new opportunity not only for our team but for the whole Ukraine. Our country  will be represented only by our team. For comparison there will be more than three representatives of different Russian universities.

Let's start to change Ukraine.
Let's change the whole world.

Your sincerely, the team of KINT.

среда, 25 июня 2014 г.

ViAL+ as a tool to evaluate the students' competences. Part І

We just have successfully completed the first phase of development of the competences assessment using ViAl+ in KNEU. Our first category is masters of the specialization «Enterprise Economics». We have developed an evaluative algorithms, the task for the students. The testing of them was held in April-May 2014.

On June 24 we had summed up the results. The participants of the first focus group was presented with certificates of completion of training / practice management company based on a business simulation ViAL +.

We have seen that:
  • The simulation ViAL + has an educational effect even in a test. It was shown by the growth of self-esteem of participants in the possession competence.
  • It allows us to estimate the practical skills of participants quickly and efficiently.
  • Higher education in Ukraine is not aimed at the formation of practical skills and abilities.
The work on certification is continued. Soon we'll present a new product which is certification of economic and business competencies of students and employees.